There is no question that successful end-to-end integration testing is difficult. Understanding the challenges, choosing the most effective framework, and providing the appropriate procedures and technology to support the implementation of those strategies are all required for success. A continuous integration testing framework streamlines and delineates these steps.
Let's look more closely at the integration test automation frameworks that are best suited for increasing test accuracy, lowering test maintenance costs, and lowering testing risks.
What are the types of integration test frameworks?
Integration testing frameworks can take many different forms:
- Script-based test automation framework- The script-based test automation framework strictly adheres to script recipes for integration testing. Testers and developers write and manage the automation scripts. Consequently, it will take time away from their primary tasks, which compromises quality.
- Scriptless test automation framework: The framework for scriptless test automation enables testers and business users to define and automate test cases without worrying about coding. It helps to cut down on the amount of time needed to understand the code, which saves time and effort during testing.
Read our blog: Efficiency at its Best: Automated Integration Testing
Why do you need a test automation framework for integration testing?
- The integration test automation framework is the set of principles for developing and implementing automated test cases for testing.
- They provide a standardized development framework to guarantee design consistency across numerous test scripts by allowing for the reuse of components or code in automated test scripts.
- The test automation framework dynamically refines the testing approach due to migration, releases/updates of the integrated applications.
- Integration test automation frameworks offer continuous automated testing with a minimum of effort.
What are the limitations of integration test automation frameworks?
Frameworks are expensive and resource-intensive
Organizations may face substantial risk if they rely only on humans to create and manage their integration automation scripts. Upskilling the resources for automation could be expensive and time-consuming. The quality will suffer if you ask the tester to write and maintain the automation scripts because it will take time away from their primary duty.
Frameworks don’t match the pace of development
With every new integration, update, and release, many functional and non-functional attributes get modified. The script-based tests not only take a lot of time to develop but also to maintain. These test scripts fail to keep up with the pace of development.
Frameworks are not scalable for end-to-end application testing processes
Script-based frameworks are typically constructed for a single purpose and are rarely scalable. They need a high level of coding if you want them to function with other applications and technologies.
The ideal integration testing framework: what capabilities should you look for?
Is it possible to automate integration testing completely?
Enterprises lacking automation in their software development processes might struggle to achieve the required levels of testing speed and accuracy. However, it is possible to reach 80%–90% automation for your integration tests. There are still some specific situations, like GUI and accessibility testing, where only humans should create the test.
The best integration testing framework must support cross-technology testing capabilities with a user interface that encourages teamwork and automation. Teams will be able to avoid bottlenecks and save resources by utilizing these two functionalities to create, maintain, and scale integration tests without the use of extra tools.
With Opkey, you can test software from beginning to end and ensure high-quality delivery thanks to a number of features it offers:
No-code automation: Opkey's user-friendly interface takes away any additional complexity and provides a clear overview of all test cases in a multi-variant representation.
Cross-technology capabilities: Whether using a desktop program, a browser, or a mobile device, Opkey gives you access to all the technologies you need for your end-to-end process.
Integrates with the CI/CD pipeline: Opkey connects with a wide range of technologies to help make your workflow more flexible and less complicated.
Opkey has helped hundreds of major enterprises achieve the desired level of speed, accuracy, and test coverage that they have been looking for to accelerate their testing cycles and reap the real benefits of automation.